Blog #7: Time to Fight

Jacob Hill
2 min readNov 21, 2020

by Joe Miller

My time off was exactly what I needed. I was finally able to just take time and really process everything that I had been experiencing. My wife says she can already see a change in my demeanor. She says it’s almost as if I had a huge weight lifted off of my shoulders. She was 100% correct. Now that I am able to look back on everything I was just a shadow of a man that I was before everything. I barely smiled when I was at home, and was easily irritated and triggered by common inconveniences. I’m incredibly thankful to my wife for stinking through it with me and helping me pull myself out of this massive funk. Now that I am better, I can fight on. I have contacted numerous organizations and informed them that I was ready to help the fight. I am truly ecstatic to be able to carry on Andrews legacy through my work against this virus.

On a different note, I have some good news (I think). I read in the paper today that the National Institute of Allergy and Infectious Diseases (NIH) has just approved a new approach to clinical trials that will now allow more AIDs patients access to experimental treatments. Apparently this institute is headed by a man named Anthony Fauci. I looked at his background and he looks like the right person for the job. Since the last time I journaled, there has been a tremendous uptick in both cases, and government support. Even though more people are getting experimental treatments this is still far from over. In experimental treatments, the trails include some people getting the drug, and others getting the placebo. Meaning that some individuals who are relieved to start getting treatment may just be consuming sugar pills. Please don’t let the good news distract you, the fight lives on. The best thing we can do to help fight this virus is to keep people informed.

